Chopping Block
Students at Brownell STEM Academy had fun learning how to cook in the Chop it Like its Hot Club. Each Tuesday throughout September, students learned a quick and healthy recipe using fresh ingredients sponsored by Flint Fresh Mobile Market. Learning Guide Sandra Crawford facilitated the club and brought fun and engaging lessons to the students. Students were able to learn how to cook for themselves and try new dishes in the process.
It’s the Culture
At Pierce Elementary, some students participated in the Black Culture Club where they were able to learn about different elements of Black American culture including traditional foods, sayings and slang, fashion and sneaker culture. This club is important for students in the area because the student body is 74.3 percent Black. Students were able to learn about their culture or the culture of their peers in this club.
Have a Bowl
High school students at Southwestern Classical Academy took a field trip to B’s Bowling Center in Flint. Before the field trip, the students learned about the history of bowling and played trivia-style games to test their knowledge. During the field trip, students got to experience what they learned, and, for some students, it was their first time bowling. Students also had a friendly competition to see who could bowl best.
Teddy Bear Check Up
On Saturday, Sept. 17, more than 40 students from Durant-Tuuri-Mott Elementary School took a trip to downtown Flint to participate in the Teddy Bear Picnic hosted by Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. The goal of the event was to promote health check-ups for children by giving their teddy bears checkups. During the event, students were able to check out resource tables, learn about health and nutrition and were provided lunch including hot dogs, hamburgers and salad. Students learned about the importance of frequent check-ups and how nutrition affects their health.