YouthQuest Highlights: November 2021

Make it Beautiful

Students at Pierce Elementary were able to take on a leadership role with the Youth Advisory Council Club. On the council, students get to have a voice and choice around programming decisions. With that power, they chose to work on beautification projects at their school. The club’s first project was to make an art wall that makes the school look more welcoming.

Rake It In

At Holmes STEM Academy, students gave their time to the Hasselbring Senior Center raking leaves near the building. This project came out of the Making Money Moves: Youth Grant-Writing Workshop Club at Holmes, which was funded by ReCAST. Students learned about service-learning, then came up with projects and practiced writing grants to support those projects. This is just the beginning in a series of projects students plan to accomplish during the school year through the club.

Trivia Fun

To help with academic support, students at Doyle-Ryder and Potter Elementary participated in academic trivia games each day of programming. The trivia games were based around subjects and topics that they were learning in day school. Subjects included multiplication, science, grammar and social studies.

Scouts Honor

At Brownell STEM Academy, students have attended a Girl Scouts Club led by YouthQuest partners at Crim Fitness Foundation. Each week, the Girl Scouts facilitator leads activities with the students that keep them engaged and eager to come to program.

