On the Job: Damontai Richard

TeenQuest graduate Damontai Richard is hard at work following his dreams of working in the fashion industry. He is currently getting ready to produce his first fashion show on March 14 at the Greater Flint Arts Council.

“The aim of my fashion show is to bring up the people in Flint in the fashion industry and provide the resources they need to be successful,” says Richard, who was recently featured in the HUB Flint. “We’re also giving back to the community by donating a portion of the proceeds to Whaley Children’s Center.”

Richard got his start by doing fashion shows at his school and church.

“I realized this was something I wanted to do,” Richard says. “So, I did my research and a mentor of mine told me that he coordinates fashion shows.”

And that’s how Richard got an opportunity to attend a casting call with Kala Wilburn, founder of Vehicle City Fashion Week and Fannie Lucille, a local fashion brand. Since then, Richard has walked in a fashion show in Detroit and was invited to work backstage during New York Fashion Week.

Below, this Southwestern Classical Academy graduate shares his future plans and explains how TeenQuest helped him build tools for his success.

What is your favorite part about your career?

I like to meet new people who have the same passion for the industry as I do. I get to make new friendships and connections that can be helpful moving forward.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to be a fashion show producer and professional model. I am also a singer-songwriter working on a starting a career in music.

How do you plan on achieving those goals?

I am already working on them. I am a singer at my church. I am working on building my presence on Instagram. And I’m producing my first fashion show.

How did the lessons learned in TeenQuest help you on your path?

I learned how to be a good communicator and leader through TeenQuest.

What advice would you offer current TeenQuest students?

Whatever you want to do, just do it. You will have people who try to talk you out of your dreams but don’t listen to them. Stay positive and keep doing it.

TeenQuest and Summer Youth Initiative are made possible through the generous support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.

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